Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yada, yada yada.

We had such a good weekend. It went by way too fast, but it was fun. Chris went golfing Friday and wasn't going to be home til late, so Jillian and I went to Target to get Dana a gift card for her bridal shower & some diapers for Jillian. Jillian wanted to walk, so I let her & told her as long as she held my hand. She did a perfect job holding my hand and walking. While we were walking down the baby aisle, she walked over to Dora bubble bath & picked a large bottle. I decided to just buy it especially since we needed some at home. She carried that bottle all the way to the check out aisle. She looked so proud of herself. Then we came home and she, of course, wanted to play in her pool. So, we played for a little while. I had to try and convince her to finally get out of the pool. Then Saturday, Ellen, Jillian and I went out to Brownsburg to get a haircut to benefit two girls whose mom was murdered by their dad a few months ago. When we got there, Dana & Danny were there also. Jillian went straight for Danny & sat in his lap. It was very cute. They had alot of fun things going on in the salon parking lot, but it was rainy when we went. There was a long line of haircuts before us, so we went out to see all that was going on in the parking lot. Jillian went straight for the bounce house. I let her get in it for a little bit, but then it was almost our time for haircuts, so we went back into the salon. Jillian sat on Ellens lap to get a haircut and I went back to get a haircut. Ellen said Jillian did a great job. Her haircut looks very cute. We went back outside for a little bit, but it was too rainy to do anything & the bounce house had alot of water in it, so she couldn't jump in it again. We ended up leaving due to the weather & went to McDonalds for lunch. After her nap, we played in the pool again for a little while. I then went out to dinner with our friend Paul. We had yummy Mexican food and yummy margaritas. Sunday, Chris, Jillian & I met Rick & Tara at Bob Evans for breakfast. Then Chris & Rick went to the Brickyard 400. Tara was over to watch Jillian while I went to Dana's bridal shower at 1:00 p.m. I thought I would make her earn her money, LOL, so I left around 10:00. I went to Target & to Ellens for a little bit before the bridal shower. I had a good time with Ellen. The bridal shower was alot of fun. Most of the guests were coworkers, but you wouldn't think we worked together because everyone was talking so much it was hard to hear. Tara called me at one point in time & told me that Jillian was wanting me to come home because she was crying my name. I had to laugh. I told Tara to just try to occupy Jillian and I would be home shortly. When I got home, Jillian was fine. Tara said Jillian was good for her & that she would babysit again (YAY!!!). I took Tara home, came home & guess what we did???? If you said, got in the pool, you are correct. I decided to get in my suit this time, all the other times, I just rolled up my pants, which is silly because I still got soaking wet. Jillian loves to spray me with the hose, you would have thought I would have learned my lesson. So on Sunday, I got in & sat down in the pool. BUURRRRR!! I told Chris we need to give Jillian a sibling so I don't have to freeze my rear off in that silly pool!! ANYWAY. I started spraying Jillian with the hose & she took off across the yard. I kept telling her it was raining. She just ran off & laughed at me. Then she would tell me to stop, I would put down the hose and she would come running back to me & on her way over she kept saying no no no. So when she would get over to me, she would grab the hose & spray me. It was so freakin cold, I would kind of scream. When I did this, she would laugh so hard. She would even throw her head back laughing at me. It was the cutest thing!!! Goodness gracious I love that little girl!!! She is now singing Row, Row, Row your boat & counting up to at least 6. She is hopefully getting her big girl bed this weekend or soon after. We will see how well that goes. LOL. Potty training is going no where. She sits on her potty, but hasn't actually gone in the potty. I think once she does that, it will be pretty easy. It is just convincing her what she is supposed to do. She is such a hard headed little girl, just like her dad. And boy is she determined. I am sure most kids are like it, but she just keeps at it until we either give in or we somehow get her attention on sometihng else. Sticking to my guns is the hardest part of parenthood at this stage of parenting. It would be so much easier to just give in & make her quiet, but I can'g do that or she would be an awful brat!! My mom has surgery again tomorrow to resuture the incision on her back. I sure hope it goes well and she gets better soon.!!

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