The above pictures are from this past Saturday when my Aunt Sally brought my Granny and my Aunt Peggy over to visit my mom down at Darcys house. We had a nice time. I love my family soo much and am glad they came over to visit. I know it helped my mom see her mom and sisters & I know it did them as well. My Granny is so worried about my mom and I know it did her good to see my mom at my sisters house since the last time she saw her, my mom was in the hospital. Jillian just adores all of them and didn't want to leave, but we needed to because I thought she needed a nap (which from the previous post, we know that didn't happen). So, anyway, it was a great visit. I hope to see them again soon.
I was dreading putting Jillian down to sleep tonight after last night. I gave her a bath and put her in her crib. I did the whole "face" thing & left the room. She climbed out twice and I decided I needed to tan. So, I left it up to Chris to take care of her. He did the "face" thing with her he said & she only climbed out once. I told him I thought he should put her to bed more often. He, of course, says it was probably just a fluke. Which it probably was, but she listens to daddy a lot better than me when it comes to bed time. She was so happy to see him tonight when he got home. She was all over him. It was very cute. She sure does love her daddy even though he doesn't think she does & even though she freaks when I am not around.
I have tomorrow off to take my mom to two doctor appointments. I sure hope I don't have to look at her incision too much because it is not something I want to look at too often.
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