Monday, July 6, 2009


I just have to write that Jillian slept in her Toy Story t-shirt last night & refused to take it off this morning. I decided to pick my battles & let her wear it to school. The teacher gave it to me when I went to pick her up & said Jillian got a little lunch on it and it was getting in her way on the playground. So, Mrs. Christy helped me out. I was afraid Jillian would be wearing that tshirt when she graduated from high school. Haha.
I went into work today for about 4 hours and then went out to lunch with Ellen at Red Robin. Yum yum. It was so good. Then I came home & cleaned a little. Amazingly enough, it is 9:00 and it is pretty much still picked up. Tornado Jillian didn't hit too hard tonight.
We got an email from Simplicity stating Jillians crib has been recalled & we need to return it to Walmart. Which is really good news because we want to put Jillian in a big girl bed but didn't really want to tear down the crib to only get it out again in a year or so when we have a new baby (God willing it will be less than a year, but I'm sure it won't be that easy). So, I guess we will return the crib, get a new one not put together & find somewhere to put it until we need it.
Tomorrow, I am taking Chris's computer down to columbus to take it to an old friends computer repair shop. It is acting stupid and Scott and I have just caught back up with eachother on FB & he works on computers. So, I am going down there to hopefully get his computer fixed & to catch up with Scott. I am excited but a little nervous because I have not seen Scott in YEARS! I talked to him the other night on the phone & he was still very easy to talk to and it was like no time had passed, so I am sure it will be fine. I am just going somewhere that I have never been before & I hate doing things that I have never done before. I'm so silly. But that is just me.

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