Monday, August 3, 2009

Jillians checkup

I took Jillian to her 2 year check up today. It is 2 months late, but we just got medical insurance on Saturday & the doctor said it wouldn't matter to wait 2 months. She weighed 32.2(94%) , which is 3.7 lbs more than at her 18 mth check up 8 months ago. She is 35 1/2 (84%) inches tall, which is 2.5 inches taller than at her 18 mth check up. Her head is 19 3/4 (97%) which is only a 1/4 more than at her 18 mth check up. Dr. Bender was concerned for a little while at either her her 12mth or 18mth check up because her head seemed to be growing more rapidly than what she liked to see. So, her head only growing a little, was nice. The dr. didn't seem too concerned at all.
Jillian does still have her soft spot which the dr. said was unusual because it normally closes up by 18 mths. It is just something we will have to keep an eye on, she said. I don't know what it would mean for it not to close up. I have heard of soft spots closing too soon, but not late. So, I guess we will just see what happens at her 3 year check up. But now that I am typing this, I may look into seeing if she wants to see her sooner than that due to her soft spot.
Chris & I were concerned about Jillian's left food turning in when she walked. Especially Chris because the same thing happened to him when he was little. Dr. Bender said they don't use braces or put feet on the wrong feet anymore to try to correct this problem. She said they did studies & the studies showed that either way, the problem would improve. The dr. said it will probably improve as her hip muscles get stronger.
She got 2 shots, Hib & MMR and boy did she cry. I felt so sorry for her. I didn't have much of a problem when she was an infant, but for some reason it was harder today.
According to the info paper they give you for 24 mths, she is a normal 2 year old. I think her vocabulary may be a little better than it suggests. It says they should say about 50 words & talk in simple 2 word phrases (like.."me go"). Well, I think she says more than 50 words & uses more than 2 word phrases. Chris thinks so too. Maybe we are wrong and just think more of her since she is our daughter. Granted, sometimes what she says is a little hard to understand (especially for Chris), but I still thinks she says more than 50 words. And she is so polite. Saying, please, thank you, excuse you (when daddy burps) and bless you, whenever someone sneezes. So, overall, her check up went well with no concerns!
We also got a letter from daycare that her curriculum fees are due on august 21! I can't believe my 2 year old is going to have "curriculum". She already seems to have learned so much from just going up to the 2's room 2 months ago. My baby isn't a baby anymore!!! It makes me happy, but sad at the same time!

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