Sunday, May 2, 2010

Jillian has said some funny/cute things this week. She had show & tell for the first time on Friday & when I asked her what she wanted to take, her face lit up & she said "my baby sister." She has said a couple of times that my friend Dani is going to buy her a Dora pool, just out of the blue she says this & not only to me, but to my mom too. Then on Friday night, Chris was telling her good night & she said "You killed my father." She has been watching Toy Story 2 quite a bit these last few days & Buzz says that to a character in the movie. She just cracks us up. I'm not quite sure where she gets these things. She has also, recently been looking in the mirror & asking herself what kind of faces she is making ie. happy, sad, mad. Maybe they are talking about feelings at school, it is hard telling.
Bob came over on Tuesday to help Chris get the baby stuff down from the attic. Jillian kept saying how all the stuff is her stuff. I have hopefully gotten through to her that it is her baby sisters & she can help show her baby sister how to use it all. I'm starting to get a little nervous about having another baby. I just don't know how I am going to handle taking care of 2 kids. Chris is a great daddy & helps out, but it will be so different with 2 kids! I only have 16 weeks left. AHHHH!! I can't wait to feel normal again. I know I will be sleep deprived forever, but I just want to feel normal again!
Jillian stayed the night at Uncle Rick & Aunt Shelleys last night. Chris & I went to dinner & duckpin bowling with Danny/Dana & PJ/Dana. We even ended up going to see Peacetrain for a little bit. It was nice seeing them again. I don't know when the last time was that we saw them play. I am paying for it today though because Chris & I didn't get home until a little after midnight. I woke up around 8:30 & laid in bed til 10:30. I am definitely paying for it today. I am exhausted!
We have a busy weekend coming up this weekend. Saturday I am going to get a 3D ultrasound in the a.m. I'm going to dinner with work at 5:30 that night & then on Sunday, we have a graduation open house to go to for my brother in law Steve. I'm sure I will be exhausted then too!

1 comment:

  1. You might just see that Dora pool in your front yard one of these days! haha!
