Thursday, April 22, 2010

OB appointment

Tonight is Chris's first golf league game, so Nana picked Jillian up from daycare & they went to Steak N Shake. So, I have the house to myself for a few minutes & thought I would just write how my doctor appointment went today.
I gained 6 lbs, which he said not to worry about & he would tell me when & if I gain too much to & should start worrying. My BP was 117/78. I will have to see if I made any note on when my BP started to get high with Jillian. I was on bedrest with her for 2 weeks or so because my BP was high. And in the end, my doctor induced me a little early because of it. He said her heartrate was 160, which he said sounded like a girl. I told him she is a very active little booger. I have indegestion something awful & he said Pepcid AC is the best for it as long as it works. They don't like pregnant women using Pepto, but he said occasional use would be ok (not sure why no Pepto). Pepcid AC seems to work most of the time, so we will just stick with it for now. We did talk about birth control after the baby & he said we could discuss it more at my 6 week follow up appointment after the baby. Of course, I am the one that is going to have to do something to prevent future pregnancies because Chris is a wimp (LOL). My doctor said a vasectomy is 1/3 the cost of most forms of permanent or long term birth control, but I don't think that will change Chris's mind. Which is fine, I guess, as long as my insurance hopefully pays for most of whatever I have done. I would be fine with tubal ligation, but don't think I will be having a c-section, so I would prefer something a little easier. I need to do some research on something he told me about called Essure, which is permanent & done in the office. Anyway. I go back in 5 weeks (should be 4, but doctor is out of office) and will have glucose test done. I'm going to stay away from sugar & carbs the night before & the day of, so hopefully I will pass it. I don't want to have to do the 3 hour test again!!

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