I got the flu on Wednesday. It was awful. I just wanted to curl up in the fetal position & disappear. Unfortunately, that couldn't happen. Chris left to go out of town that same day.I thought I might be somewhat ok to go get Jillian until I actually got sick around 4:00. I called Ellen crying asking if she could pick Jillian up. I felt so bad about burdening her with my child, but I had no one else who I thought could pick her up. Jillian got home around 6:30 & wasn't great, but I didn't feel well enough to discipline her, so she went with it. LOL. She ended up sleeping with me, which made for a bad night for me. Not only did I have stomach cramps & got up to throw up once, she moved all over the bed! Thursday morning was pretty rough. I didn't feel great, but was gonna go to work. The doctor had a family emergency & had to cancel the day, so that kind of worked in my favor. My mom picked Jillian up on Thursday. She stayed the night with me to try to help out with Jillian. She did help especially by taking her out to dinner. But Jillian was a little turd at bedtime & got 2 time outs!!!! Friday a.m. was a dream, she woke up in a great mood & didn't argue with me about going to school. Friday, we went & picked out a Dora movie to watch & ate homemade tacos (her favorite!!). When I picked her up on Friday, her teacher told me they had to tell Jillian to stop kissing the boys because there is so much illness going around. LOL
Saturday, we just hung out at home, played outside & waited for daddy to get home. She didn't take a nap, but I was going out for dinner, so I didn't care. LOL.
Today was nice, pretty hot, but no rain!!!
Saturday, we just hung out at home, played outside & waited for daddy to get home. She didn't take a nap, but I was going out for dinner, so I didn't care. LOL.
Today was nice, pretty hot, but no rain!!!
I hadn't planned on getting in the pool with Jillian, but she soaked me with the hose, so I ended up in it with her. HOLY COW, the water was freezing!! Jillian loved the fact that I was in there with her, so that made it all worth it. It made me realize why I want her to have a sibling. LOL.
Then she planted some flowers with daddy.
She wanted to go for a walk, but we talked her into riding her Dora 3 wheeler up & down the sidewalk for a little while. It was time to come in when she took her dress off in the driveway. She likes to be naked!
Pregnancy wise, no news. I go for my glucose test on Tuesday. I sure hope I pass it! I have been getting dizzy off & on, but nothing major. I love watching my belly move when she moves. No name yet, but we are really leaning towards Carleigh. I will be 27 weeks on Tuesday. AHHH! Time is going by so fast. That is only 13 weeks til I am full term!!!
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