Monday, June 22, 2009

I was told by a few people to post pictures, so here are a few pictures. I think I am posting them correctly, I guess we will see.
Jillian was a little bit of a turd tonight off and on. She had a good nap today, so it must be just the terrible twos. She was pretty good except when she didn't get her way, she would throw things or blow raspberries at me. When she blows the raspberries at me, I just have to laugh. I think she thinks it is making her "tough" but it is just too cute. And I would rather her do that then hit like she does periodically. That isn't cute & she gets in big trouble when she does hit. She helped me fix dinner, litterally. She stirred the ingredients & poured in the onion powder & pepper. I decided we will have to definitely make cookies or something soon since she was so good at it. We then played outside with the bubbles for a little bit, took a bath & then sat in the hallway & played with the Memory game cards. Then it was night night time. I put her down at 8:00 & I think she just now fell asleep. One hour is good for her, normallly she plays in her crib for over an hour. I'm surprised she actually has a place to lay her head because there are so many books in her crib. She just cracks me up!!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like an episode of MTV cribs,nice bottle of Yager, schnapps, and migertta mix in the fridge! it looks like I've had a drink or two by the way I spelled migertta, I really dont know how to spell that! Thats pretty sad :)
