Thursday, November 4, 2010


Let me start by explaining how Jillian's daycare works. She has 6 or so chances to get stickers for being good. If she is bad, she doesn't get a sticker & the teacher writes a little note on what she did to not get a sticker. If she doesn't get all of her stickers, then her punishment at home is to not get to watch TV for the night. Which means, she also goes to bed at 7:30, which is a half hour earlier than normal,(but since she can't tell time, she has no clue of that little artifact). She didn't get all her stickers at daycare of Monday because she was coloring on the cots at nap time (because another little girl was doing the same thing she said). Yesterday she didn't get all her stickers because she wasn't listening during nap time (she got in trouble last week for telling other kids to wake up during nap time, we obviously have a nap time problem). So, when I picked her up & saw her paper, I told her she knew there was no TV that night. The teacher told me that she wakes up at nap time & starts playing with other kids & doing what the other kids are doing. When I looked at Jillian to see her response, I noticed she had bags under her eyes!! Poor thing (is what I was thinking for a split second) She wasn't overly happy about no TV, but knows that is her punishment, so she didn't get too upset. Then we went into the infant room to get Carleigh...she kept trying to open the door before I was ready & wasn't listening to me, so I knew we were going to have a problem. Then she wanted to take Carleigh back into the gym area to show her off to her teacher & to her boyfriend. I had to get to Weight Watchers & I'm sure neither one of them really cared if they saw Carleigh. Well, that just trhew Jillian into a tizzy! She starts growling at me and whining & hitting herself in the leg with her fist. I got her into the car & she started kicking the back of my seat. Well, one of her shoes fell off & she wanted it. I told her it was an accident, so I would give it to her. Well, the next thing I knew her shoe came flying by my head & landed in the seat next to me. I told her I couldn't believe she had done that & BOOM, the other shoe was flying by my head. I tried very hard not to laugh because it was kinda funny. I told her she would now be getting a time out & would be going to bed even earlier than what she was going to originally. She flipped out! But by the time we got home, she had actually calmed down. Chris came out to get her & she sat in her time out very quietly. Then she went to bed at 7:00 and Chris said she was asleep by 7:30! She woke up at 6:30 and was a little cranky at first, but snapped out of it pretty quickly. We laid in bed & cuddled with Carleigh for a little bit. Then while I was getting ready she came & got me & told me to come look at this Walmart catalog. she said "Mommy come look at this. It is so adorable. And when you see it, you have to say 'Oh my' ". So I did. Then when it was time to leave to go to school, she said "Can we watch another Mickey Mouse?" I told her no, that we needed to leave for school. She said "That is not acceptable." OMG, she is 3 years old! She just comes up with the funniest things. She told Chris the other night that he did a great job cleaning up the garage. She also told me that I was a good pee-er & I did a good job pouring cat food into the bowl. LOL. So full of compliments. I love that little stinker!!

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