Monday, July 30, 2012

New Chapter

It has been almost 6 mths since my last blog. Quite a bit has happened, but I won't rewind and rehash & bore those that possibly will read this entry. But I do want to mention the biggest event, the saddest event, of my brother in law, Rick, passing away unexpectedly 4 months ago today. I miss him every day & sometimes "forget" that he is no longer with us. I loved him madly!!

I am kind of starting a new chapter in my life (or my kids are at least) this week, so I thought I should start blogging again. Jillian starts kindergarten on Wednesday and Carleigh turns 2 on Saturday!!!! How time has flown!

Jillian first: She is a smart cookie, that girl. She over exceeded the Kindergarten round up "test". The Principal emailed me the wrong numbers at first & my heart dropped! Then he emailed right back with the correct numbers & she was above the expected amount in all categories. She is a wonderful big sister. She brought me to tears the other day because she handled a situation with Carleigh better than I would have handled it. You can definitely tell she is growing up. her fits are far & few between & when she does have a fit, she gets over it quickly. We went to a swim party Saturday for an orthodontist my office refers patients. I asked her to stand in line for a caricature drawing & told her afterwards, she could get her face painted. We stood in line for the face painting for 20+ minutes, only for them to cut the line off with the person in front of us. She cried for a few minutes, but snapped out of it. Then on the way home, she out of the blue, thanked me for brining her to the party. I told her I was sorry she didn't get her face painted and she said "That is ok mommy. It was only paint. Next time, we will do it as soon as we get there!" So sweet!! Tomorrow, we go to her school to meet her teacher & have a snow cone social. I think she is excited but also nervous because she knows there may be no one she knows & she doesn't really like new experiences (wonder where she gets that from. LOL). Her daycare had an award ceremony tonight for school agers & she got the Sweetest Award- always showing kindness to those who need it whether it be fellow classmates or teachers. I am very proud of her for that...

Carleigh: 2?? I can't believe she is going to be 2! She is definitely going through her terrible 2's! My mom described her perfectly on Facebook today: "She is a little pistol, has a nasty temper, pretty blue eyes & a smile that melts your heart." That pretty much sums Carleigh up. She is a comedian & loves to make people laugh. The teachers at daycare told Chris that she is the sunshine in their class. She now has a bad habit of taking her diaper off at night because she hates wearing them! Last night I was trying to be stern with her that she can't do that & the look she gave me, made me break into a grin! She is definitely going to give us a run for our money. She is so damn cute! We took away her paci a little over a week ago. It was a rough couple of days, but went better than I thought. I think Jillian being in the same room helps out. She tries to do everything that "sissy" does, so I think it helps her see Jillian lay down & fall asleep. She seems to get quiet when Jillian does actually fall asleep. I'm hoping potty training isn't too difficult either. She sits on the potty all the time, she just hasn't actually gone on the potty yet. We are having her birthday party down at Darcy & Kenny's house since they have a pool. So far, it is the only pool she has actually gotten in that she has enjoyed!She loves to be read to & seems to be a pretty smart cookie too. She is definitely more girly than Jillian. She already loves makeup & painting mine or her nails.

I'm very lucky to have two beautiful kids, inside & out!!

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